I’m a person that served time in federal prison. I don’t want to give my name yet. But I have some information about what it’s like to live inside of federal prison–and they’re all basically the same. That includes the different prisons in Yazoo City, Mississippi.

To start, let me give you some basic information below, which I pulled from the BOP public website.

USP Yazoo City



Email:[email protected]
Inmate Gender:Male Offenders
Population:922 Total Inmates
Judicial District:Southern Mississippi
BOP Region:Southeast Region

Visiting Information

Visiting in federal prison is really structured. People have to submit visiting lists, and they can only visit on days that a prison like Yazoo authorizes. Below is some basic information on visiting.

Visiting Overview
How to visit an inmate. This covers the basic fundamentals that apply to all of our facilities. The BOP welcomes visitors to our institutions as we resume social visiting. We remind all visitors to carefully review our special visiting procedures during the COVID pandemic, and also remind all visitors to observe applicable state and local COVID travel restrictions in planning your visit to the institution.

Special Visiting Resource

Special Visiting Schedule & Procedures
Modified visitation schedule due to COVID-19 (starts October 3, 2020).

Notable incidents:

The Wiki page offered more information about notable incidents at

In 2008, a joint investigation conducted by the Bureau of Prisons Office of Inspector General and the Department of Justice revealed that Raymond Morton, a correctional officer at FCI Yazoo City, had accepted bribes from an inmate whom the Bureau of Prisons did not identify. Morton was indicted on April 8, 2008, for agreeing to receive and accept bribes from a federal inmate. He subsequently pleaded guilty to the charge in federal court and was sentenced to probation.[3]

On February 26, 2013, Robert Kale Johnson, a former correctional officer at FCI Yazoo City, was sentenced to 15 months in prison followed by 3 years of supervised release for taking a $5,000 bribe in exchange for bringing contraband into the facility. Johnson was released in June 2014.[4]

On March 25, 2010, Dashun Temple, a correction officer at the FCC Yazoo City, Mississippi, pleaded guilty to Workman’s Compensation Fraud in federal court. Claiming that he had suffered a back injury from lifting boxes, Temple admitted submitting fraudulent medical travel refund requests to the Department of Labor from December 2007 through August 2008. Temple claimed that he had traveled from his home in Pearl, Mississippi to a medical clinic in Woodville, Mississippi on 84 different occasions. An investigation revealed through the records of the clinic that Temple had only made 5 legitimate trips, thus leaving 79 trips as fraudulent. Temple received a total of $11,595.76 in reimbursements. Temple was terminated, ordered to pay restitution, and sentenced to probation.[5]

How to Send Money 

Federal prisons allow people to receive funds from any source as long as it is credible and legal. As such, women serving prison terms in Yazoo can receive money from their friends and relativesthrough the authorized avenues. When a personsurrenders to any federal facility, the system sets up a commissary account; friends and family can deposit funds into the person’s commissary account—which serves like a quasi-bank account.

At Yazoo FPC, like in all federal prison, a centralized system exists to receive money. We’ve published an article on how to send money to people in prison, and we recommend you check it out: 

People in Yazoo can use money to purchase commissary items that include OTC medication, writing material, hygiene products, food, and playing cards, among other items. Check out the BOP website for a list of commissary items at Yazoo:

The Bureau of Prisons offers other information on sending money to people in federal prison:


MoneyGram facilitates inmate money transfers through their Express Payment Program through the following ways:

  • At any MoneyGram Location:If you want to use this avenue, you can engage their customer service at 1-800-926-9400 or visit their website to locate their nearest agent. However, you will be required to fill the MoneyGram ExpressPayement Blue Form. This avenue allows you to pay with cash. 
  • Online:You can also transact online through their website, but you have to enter the receive code 7932. You can send up to $300, and even better, you can use your MasterCard or Visa credit card to transact. When using this way, you need the following information:
  • Account Number: Inmate’s eight-digit register number with no spaces or dashes, followed immediately by the inmate’s last name (example: 12345678DOE).
  • Company Name: Federal Bureau of Prisons
  • City & State: Washington, DC
  • Receive Code: 7932
  • Beneficiary: An offender’s full committed name

Western Union

Western Union facilitates inmate money transfer through their Quick Collect Program. This program covers the following cash transfer avenues:

  • Onsite Western Union Locations: You can make a cash deposit at any of Western Union’s physical locations across the United States. Ideally, you can locate the nearest location by calling 1-800-325-6000 or visiting www.westernunion.com. However, to complete your payment, you have to fill their cash payment form
  • Over the phone: You can freely use your credit or debit card to transact over the phone by engaging a western union agent at 1-800-634-3422. When you engage this number, be keen to choose option two. 
  • Online: You can also send your loved one in prison some money online through their website. After accessing their website, you can then select the “Quick Collect” option to transact accordingly. This avenue enables you to use any of your debit or credit card. However, you must provide the following bits of information:
  • Account Number: Inmate’s eight-digit register number with no spaces or dashes, followed immediately by the inmate’s last name (example: 12345678DOE)
  • Attention Line: An offender’s full committed name
  • Code City is always: FBOP, DC

The United States Postal Service

Yazoo FPC allows you to send money orders andchecks through the United States Postal Service. However, these should come with an inmate’s full committed name and their eight-digit registration number. Moreover, they should be addressed as follows:

Federal Bureau of Prisons
Insert Valid Committed Inmate Name
Insert Inmate Eight-Digit Register Number
Post Office Box 474701
Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001

For non-government and non-postal money orders, they will be held for about 15 days before they are processed. On the other hand, this avenue does not support personal checks, cash, or other items.

How to Send Mail to people in Yazoo Federal Prison:

Like other BOP-run prisons, Yazoo FPC allows people to send and receive emails from credible sources, including friends, relatives, and government agencies.  The BOP classifies written correspondence into two categories: general and special mails. General mail is from a person’s friends and family members; special mail comes from official sources such as government agencies or lawyers. Rules govern whether mail will qualify for “special mail” status. In theory, staff members are supposed to open special mail in the presence of the recipient, but they cannot read the mail.

FPC Yazoo permits certain commercial publications from the community. A person can freely subscribe or receive a publication from any credible source ifstaff members determine that the maildoes not compromise security, wellbeing, discipline, or facilitate criminal activities. People can receive paperback books and magazines sourced directly from a reputable publisher or vendor such as Amazon.com. 

How to Send Packages

People in Yazoo FPC cannot receive packages without the approval of the administration. Moreover, the only type of package that a person can receive is strictly limited to authorized medical devices or release clothing for the inmates close to their release dates. Any other items found in possession of an inmate that does not come from the administration are considered contraband.

Calls and Emails

The federal prison system says that it encourages people to stay connected with friends and family through calls and emails. It’s not always easy. Prisons monitor all communications in an effort to preserve security. 


Every federal prison has a handbook. Readers may learn a great deal by learning more about the rules that govern the federal prisons in Yazoo. The following link will help:

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