Our team at Prison Professors welcomes you to our App.

My name is Michael Santos. As a co-founder of Prison Professors, I feel a connection and a personal responsibility to our subscribers. 

Our team at Prison Professors publishes free content to help all justice-impacted people.

We consider the following people to be justice-impacted:

  • Exposed to government investigations,
  • Charged with a crime,
  • Going through judicial proceedings,
  • Going through probation or prison,
  • Released from prison,
  • Working with people that face criminal charges,
  • People that work in jails, prisons, or probation departments,
  • Interest in how mass incarceration influences our nation.

Those who want more detailed information should visit www.prisonprofessors.com or connect with a member of our team.

Our App strives to provide information in an easy-to-find format that will help justice-impacted people.

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