Blog Article 

 SAG-14-Understanding Collateral Damage Part 2 

Picture of Michael Santos

Michael Santos

Hi my name is Taylor Evans and I am on the team with Prison Professors.

This is the second video discussing the different types of collateral damage convicted felons must deal with post-incarceration and how you can create a plan to try to deal with these hurdles as little as possible.

I want to take this time to address mental health during as you are going through your case. Michael and Justin talk about it surrounding the infamous “Mayor of Downey” or “Mayor of South Gate.” They spoke specifically about how this gentleman created expectations in his head that everything was going to work out in his favor. To the point where he began to gloat about how he knew he was being released during his appeal hearing. Unfortunately, the judge was not as confident as the mayor was.

 I can relate to the shame, guilt, remorse, or whatever negative emotion you are feeling. I remember thinking that my journey would never be over, but I am here to share with you that you will get through this, even though you made a mistake a lot of people still love and need you, and there is a life after all of this.

 Seek out professional mental health help if you are struggling, share with your loved ones, and most importantly try your hardest to stay stoic. When something good happens, enjoy the moment but remember the big picture. When something bad happens, do not spin out of control and key your eyes on the prize of your big picture.

 In the last video, we spoke mostly about the collateral damage surrounding a person’s job search after incarceration. 

In the second part of this video, Michael and Justin bring up the facets of collateral damage surrounding your personal finances and relationship with institutions. 

Justin Paperny shares with us his dilemma with his bank. He went through his trial and was already sentenced and began serving his sentence when his bank reached out to his brother to let him know that Justin’s accounts had been frozen. Justin shared how debilitating dealing with his bank was with everything else he had to experience.

You could be watching this video and asking are they showing this to scare me? No, we are bringing awareness and honesty to the reality of your situation. This is a difficult path, so we want to help you understand what to prepare for so you aren’t caught off guard if this happens to you.

Michael shares in most of his videos the importance of developing a well-thought-out plan to put yourself in the best position to achieve success. Creating a plan is just as important in dealing with the collateral damage from your case. As we mentioned there is life after lockup and it is important to be aware of what you are facing and even better when you know how to face it.

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