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 Designation in the Bureau of Prisons 

Picture of Michael Santos

Michael Santos

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In some cases, a comprehensive strategy will result in an alternative sanction that does not include a designation in the bureau of prisons. Our team at Prison Professors does its best to help defendants who want to advance arguments for a non-custodial sentence. No one can change the past, but we can sow seeds for a better future. Unfortunately, in most cases, sentences include time in federal prison. When federal prison becomes part of the journey, the next step after the sentencing hearing will be for the Bureau of Prisons to assign the appropriate prison.

Several factors go into the equation of prison designations. The Bureau of Prisons relies upon the latest edition of Program Statement 5100 to determine prison designations. To get an idea of how officials in the BOP will assign your custody score, click the following link:

The complicated matrix assigns points to objective factors that include criminal history, type of offense, severity of crime, and so forth.

A variance table makes additional adjustments. Public Safety Factors and Management Variables can also influence the custody and classification.

Our websites include a calculator that calculates the point system. Access that calculator by clicking the following link:

Besides custody and classification scoring, the Bureau of Prisons will also consider judicial recommendations, medical needs, prison population levels, institutional needs, and geographical locations. All of those factors go into consideration of the Bureau of Prisons’ decisions. Then, the BOP will order the federal prisoner to begin serving the sentence in a specific federal prison.Designation in the Bureau of Prisons

Designation in the Bureau of Prisons

Learn All You Can About A Designation In The Bureau of Prisons

Federal defendants should learn everything they can about the designation process. The more they understand, the better prepared they become to influence where they will serve the time. Although we can master any environment, the earlier we get started in mastering the process, the better off we are.

Isn’t that always the case in life?

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